Coding standards for me, is one of the most important things that any programmer should be proficient in when creating or working on a project. Coding standards are coding rules/guidelines to better develop a program. Coding is like a language, and coding standards are like the rules of the language that help make everything comprehensible to other people.
Coding standards help collaborators or peers edit a program while keeping the “look” of the code consistent. When showing your program to other people, coding standards also act as a “first impression” of how you code. Companies will see how efficient and neat your code is, which can potentially be a deciding factor on if you get hired or not. Aside from the workforce, coding standards also help beginner programmers. By complying with coding standards, a new programmer will learn a lot more about coding since it will teach them proper habits, reducing the time it will take them to work on future projects
Since it has been a while since I took a coding course, using ESLint was a bit hard to get used to. I used Checkstyle for my ICS 211 class last year and even that did not give as much errors as ESLint is giving me when coding (or at least that is how I remember it). Obviously, getting the green checkmark is painful but very useful at the same time because it is helping me build good habits for coding. However, when doing WODs, I am struggling with getting the green checkmark while getting my code finished within the time limit since I take a very long time to solve the problems. This is the first week of working with ESLint as well, meaning I am going to take even longer to troubleshoot everything when working on new projects.
Overall, I am still getting used to ESLint as well as everything else when setting up a project for the class. I know that with more WODs, exercises, and screencasts, I will be able to get them done faster with all the shortcuts and tips that I will learn. Learning coding standards is something that is very important for my future since I will be coding a lot more in other classes. It will help me become a more efficient programmer, which is very useful when applying for jobs where they ask to look at sample code from you.