Briefly describe your system (e.g. A store selling Pokemon game cards) Our store focuses on selling electronics to the public. Users are able to make multiple purchases after adding items to the cart and will be emailed an invoice after...
This assignment focused a lot more on server-side processing than the previous one for my E-commerce store. The first assignment was more of setting everything up and this assignment was more of making everything connect to each other. I learned...
With assignment 1 submitted, now is the time to look back and reflect on my work. After spending countless hours on this project, I feel like my programming skills have greatly improved in the following ways: I am now able...
Invoice1 WOD Attempt 1 Invoice1 was a challenge introducing variables and dynamic programming as a challenge. This WOD took me two attempts to finish but was not as difficult as I thought. During this WOD attempt, I looked over at...
The Return of WODs After a year of not doing WODs, I come back to ITM 352 and find that I have to do them again. Luckily for me, my ICS 314 class did these exact same WODs when I...
Beginning of a Journey Spring 2021 was the semester that I officially switched majors from computer science to pre-business. Now, it’s Spring 2022 and I have officially started my journey as a Management Information Systems major after getting accepted into...
Goodbye, ICS 314 Well, the end of the spring 2021 semester is here. I took five classes this semester and I can certainly say that ICS 314 was the most fun class I have had since freshman year. There was...
PATTERNS, PaTtErNs, PAttERns Humans tend to notice patterns everywhere they go, whether virtually or in real life. Humans also tend to follow similar patterns when creating or designing new things. This concept can be applied to programming and the way...
What are Frameworks? Frameworks are like the hand-holders of website development; they often guide you to building a beautifully designed webpage. Frameworks reduce a LOT of time needed for designing a webpage because it can automatically format things for you,...
What are Coding Standards? Coding standards for me, is one of the most important things that any programmer should be proficient in when creating or working on a project. Coding standards are coding rules/guidelines to better develop a program. Coding...
Efficient Learning The first step in becoming a smarter person is being able to know where and how to obtain knowledge. A popular way to do so is by asking questions from more experienced and knowledgeable people and learning from...
How I Got Here Starting from a very early age, I was a child that would always be on the computer. Computers fascinated me since they could perform a myriad of tasks at lightning speed. Trying to understand how a...
Introduction Personally, I do not know much about software engineering at all. However, even though I have almost no knowledge about software engineering, I am still eager to learn more about it, especially since ICS 314 is such a core...